

It was a very unpleasant day in the history of Nigeria. The ugly ones refuse to die but the good ones are truncated, when the ugly ones finally go down six feet below, their crafts live on and they leave a colossal effect mightier than earthquake behind. 

On 29 August, 1992, General Ibrahim Badamosi Babangida (first military president of Nigeria) formed two political parties: Social Democratic party (SDP) and National Republican Convention (NRC). These two political parties produced one presidential candidate each. The SDP presidential candidate was Moshood Kashimawo Olawale Abiola while the NRC presidential candidate was Alhaji Bashiru Tofa. The presidential election between MKO Abiola and Alhaji Tofa came up on June 12, 1993 with Prof. Humphrey Nwosu as the NEC (National Electoral Commission) chairman. MKO Abiola won many votes against his opponent, Tofa but the election was cancelled by Ibrahim Babangida on 23 June, 1993. The Nigerian military was divided on the issue of Abiola, mark IBB to be between the devil and the deep blue see, even though IBB was an evil person in the making.

On 11 June, 1994, Abiola declared himself president and this caused an uproar in the political affairs of the country. Abiola was declared wanted and later arrested and detained on 23 June 1994. Many people fled for safety which was normal including Abiola’s vice, Babagana Kingibe. General Sani Abacha, the devil in human skin told Abiola that he would prevent him from going to court to make any case because he knows how wealthy Abiola is and if given any chance to get court hearing, he will win. However, nothing last forever, not even man with nostrils, Abacha whose loots are always being recovered, died on June 8, 1998 and there was hilarious jubilation all over the country.

Many lives were claimed due to Abiola’s issue. First, was his wife, Kudirat Abiola who was assassinated on 4 June, 1996. About 200 lives were claimed in Lagos, identities not known. Abraham Adesanya was shot severally. While Abiola was in detention, Chief Emeka Anyaoku, the first Nigerian to become the secretary general of the common wealth of Nations, told him to surrender so that he can be set free but Abiola refused holding to the fact that he wasn’t fighting for himself but for the masses whose mandates have been confiscated. Abiola secretly wrote all that was discussed between him and Anyaoku, to a man who will always stand for the truth, Gani Fawehinmi. 

Abiola died in detention on 7 July, 1998 and this caused a great chaos in the country, especially Lagos.

Olusegun Obasanjo set up “Truth and Revelation commission during his administration to find the cause of Abiola’s death. The truth was indeed unveiled, bringing light to the darkness, on how Abiola was poisoned with a tea drink. It was painful that OBJ never made further step on the truth revealed instead he said Abiola wasn’t Nigeria’s Messiah. 

Goodluck Ebele Jonathan tried to honour MKO Abiola by renaming Unilag after MKO Abiola’s name, this was abortive as many stood against it.

President Muhammadu Buhari changed the Democracy day from May 29 to June 12 to honour MKO Abiola.

Truth be said, all efforts to honour MKO Abiola still remain political propaganda. Yet, all efforts are appreciated. MKO Abiola lives on in our memory and Nigeria’s history



Ambition provides the spur to action. A target in life is a psychological necessity. A man without an ambition may he likened to a ship without a rudder. “Vaulting ambition” as Shakespeare says may “overleap itself”. What is needed is a realizable aim. Overweening ambition can lead to disastrous consequences.

Ambition, of course, is not confined to physical or worldly matters. In the spiritual realm, too, one’s ambition can be realized. One of the best dressed men in the most fashionable city of Paris walked the dusty streets of Goa and Malacca with a begging bowl in his hand. Francis Xavier, the pleasure-seeking youth, was seized by the yearning not “to suffer the loss of his soul”. His motivation called “faith” gave him wings and he soared to great heights.

The path to our goal is not always strewn with roses. Discovery of truths which we take for granted today brought hardships and loneliness for those who worked untiringly against a mocking world. Louis Pasteur who said that germs cause diseases was scoffed at as ridiculed by “learned” doctors. This indefatigable Frenchman had to spend as much time fighting superstition and skepticism as he had to spend fighting pathogenic bacteria. Again unswerving drive helped Florence Nightigale and Elizabeth Barrett to steer clear of the pride and prejudice of the male-dominated world and realize their ambitions.

Realization of ambition comes sometimes at unexpected moments. William Henry David, for example failed to sell his collection of poems. He published his poems again. One morning, looking down from his cubicle, he found many cars waiting in the muddy lane. He was surprised to learn that the rich people of high social standing had arrived to invite him to dinner for G.B. Shaw had recommended his book. But it should not be surmised that achievement of our aim depends on blind chance. Take the case of the unexpected discovery of penicillin, the wonder drug that has saved millions of lives. True, Alexander Fleming left the bacteria culture carelessly open and this resulted in the discovery. We are, in fact, oblivious of his drive, enthusiasm and initiative which contributed to his success and so to his greatness.

Material shortcomings need not stop us from reaching our goal. Abraham Lincoln could not afford books, so he increased his vocabulary by learning the meanings of words from the old newspaper wrappings from the grocer’s. Even the past poor examination results need not hamper you. Winston Churchill, a great prime minister, one of the architects of Second World War victory, writer, historian, orator and painter failed in his examinations many times and had the unsavory experience of being detained in the same class two or three years. But his ambition made him persevere and finally succeed.

Ambition-sprung actions seem to be very light. Since the work is done in the pleasurable associations of our own desires. Nervous energy expended is cut to the minimum. Paradoxically, hard work ceases to be hard when “ambition- joined”. Consider the willingness with which the Nigerian armed forces undergo the rigorous physical training. 

Teemack used to be an average student in mathematics but today he teaches mathematics at any level in secondary. Also, he failed financial accounting in his high school days which made him dropped it. Yet, he found his direction and today he’s an accountant doing very fine. 

Caution, ambition is good, but if you walk in your ambition you might struggle. Discover your vision to help your ambition without stress.



​Do you know that:

Awolowo’s free education started in the year 1955.

Newspaper was introduced into Nigeria in 1922.

The first secondary school was established in 1859.

On January 27, 2002 there was bomb explosion in which the terror claimed over 2000 lives in Ikeja cantonment Lagos.

Nigerian Government and South Korea established diplomatic relations in February 1980.

Philosophy was introduced to the sea part of Miletus in the sixth century BC.

China, France, Great Britain, India, Israel and Pakistan posseses nuclear weapons of mass destruction.

The super powers are USA and Russia because of high degree of military stock pile.

The Great powers are Britain, France and China.

The greatest achievement of the United Nations was the prevention of the third world war.

In this great history book, you will learn and teach others who lack historical knowledge. 

HISTORICAL GUIDE : NIGERIA AND THE WIDER WORLD features many topics which are simplified and very explanatory for readers digest. It also contains close to 200 abbreviations and  some quotes of great men. Some of the topics in the book are:

History of each states in Nigeria

Nigeria heads of states and presidents

The federal republic of Nigeria

Nigerian constitutions

National identity

International organization

Nigerian agencies

Coups in Nigeria

National important dates

History of the wider world…………………………..and many more

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