

Whenever I’m with some of my friends, family and even foes. There is something I tell them in the journey of our discussion; it is “PEOPLE CHANGE“. So, why do people change or what caused the change? The answer is ” some people are actually empty, in fact many of them“. Don’t get me wrong, emptiness in this context means not having a broad mind, to be easily maneuvered. The fact that someone is smart, a good speaker, perfect organizer, knows how to settle conflicts, can pray like heaven will fall inter alia, all those ones are gift, they cannot stop emptiness.

An empty person is:
Someone who will support you, only when you support him first.

Someone who will coldly react towards you upon hearing some things about you(even when it’s not true) without intelligent confirmation from you.

Someone who suddenly becomes unhappy about the growth of your success.

To those who care to learn, don’t be disappointed about people’s sudden change in behaviour. Be friend

s with all, always do good and correct people wisely. Your close friends are those who won’t speak ill words about you and won’t affect their relationship with you based on hearsay. You should also be careful about what you say and hear about people. Trusting too much can kill you. Be wise

By theacademicbuilders

The Academic Builders (TAB) is Nigeria foremost edutainment and mind opening organization, aimed at developing and maximizing individual potentials as an instrument to change and positively affect the world.

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