

The future of the Nigerian child in the present day society elicits great fear. By future we refer to what we hope for in later times. The future of a child is determined by the present state of the nation. Now, let us observe the present day society and see whether it prepares a good future for the Nigerian child.
On a close observation, one would notice that one of the greatest problems militating against the academic development of students is inadequate teaching materials to enhance learning in schools. Infrastructural facilities are equally insufficient. The atmosphere in many schools today is not conducive for effective teaching and learning. Some laboratories are poorly equipped. A school of thought says ‘to practice is to assimilate’. Students need to engage in practical exercises in the science subjects especially to fully prepare them for a great future.

Today, students don’t show interest in academic work. This should not be. A teacher who is making every effort to get the best out of the students becomes fed up when students show nonchalant attitude to work. The teacher’s effort automatically becomes abortive. Let us look at it this way. The background of a child, the type of company he keeps and the rigidity of the laws of the school he attends go a long way in moulding the child’s character. A neglected child from home seeks succor from his friends in the school. If the friends are bad, what do we expect from him to be?
If this situation continues, in future, the only thing the country will produce will be people who are not fit to handle the country, even though it is in the present, but should we hope for more?

Presently, Nigeria still rears corrupt citizens. Bribery and corruption is practiced in every nook and cranny. How then can we build our youths to become better citizens in future? Take for instance what happens when one is seeking admission to a school. One has to pay a large sum of money as bribe in most schools today. This does not exclude the primary schools. Merits no longer emphasized; what is emphasized is “MONEY”. Can this be seen as a way of preparing the youths for the future?

Also, many educated youths who have certificates and power of intelligence to prove their qualifications find it difficult to secure good jobs. There was the case of four university graduates who went out in search of jobs upon the completion of their youth service but found none. They lost confidence in the society due t frustration. Tell me, would people even admit that they are educated when they see them poorly dressed? Of course they would not. These graduates eventually devised alternative means of survival by becoming prostitues, kdnappers and drug addicts. I’m not in support of that because that shouldn’t be the best way out for a sane person, but the society caused it and a frustrated person can’t have a sound mind, do you agree? Is tis then the foundation we intend to lay for tomorrow’s leaders?

It is disheartening to note that Nigeria which happens to be a member of the Organisation of Petroleum exporting Countries (OPEC) still experiences fuel scarcity. How then do we expect children to go to school unhindered? Would mobility not be affected negatively? Would school attendance and academic not be affected?

In order to rekindle the desire for sound education in Nigeria and make our dream for a brighter future possible, every citizen has to work assiduously for this. The Nigerian students have got the greatest part to play. Let us utilize our brain and make people proud of us instead of behaving as if we are ignorant of our purpose in school. We should always do those things we know are right and all efforts will be generously rewarded by God because He knows that we are the future of our country.

It will be of great benefit to the Nigerian child in particular and to the country in general if the present decadence in the society is addressed for the future to be colourful. Our leaders must prepare the Nigerian child for a brighter future. Whatever knowledge is imparted to the children today will definitely have a positive or negative impact on them. So, it is the duty of the Nigerian leaders to rectify the mistakes of the present so as to make our future colourful and assured.

By theacademicbuilders

The Academic Builders (TAB) is Nigeria foremost edutainment and mind opening organization, aimed at developing and maximizing individual potentials as an instrument to change and positively affect the world.

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